Embracing Your True Identity...

Published on 21 August 2023 at 21:05

Lusting after this world is a way of wanting to change who you are, how you look, and what you stand for. The hair cuts, the hair styles, the make-up, and the clothing. Did anyone ever tell you, that you are covering up your true identity. Has anyone ever told you that you are cutting off your glory? The power is in the uncut hair. The power is in your true identity in Christ. You may be unsure of who you are, but Christ is not. Protect the gifts you were born with from the lies and cruelty of this world. The only goal of this world is to defile the children of The most High.


With uncut hair comes biblical power, safety, and protection. With uncut hair comes a bond so strong with the Most High it is unmatched by anything else. The world tells us we are bold, strong, confident, and fearless. The bible tells us we are humble, meek, with a spirit of humility. It is better to obey the words of God, then follow after what the world is doing. Somewhere down the line we let the false media convince us women that we had no power or influence when this was never true. Why do you think our hair is under such an attack? Because it is powerful in its natural state. When we change it, it’s meaning and value changes. We have fallen so short when it comes to our hair that most women have forgotten what their original hair color is, or they have grown to hate it. 


Who told you that you needed to change your hair in order to be beautiful? Your very hair is not just a part of your nervous system. It is symbolic of one’s identification, it wards off disease, it brings heavenly holy angels into your home. It strengthens your connection with The Most High. Your hair is not just your shield, it is also your protection from evil spirits. Guard your hair ladies. Do not let any and everyone touch your hair, Pray over your hair strands and anoint your hair daily. Even witches know the significance of hair. It’s us children of God who need to learn the significance of our hair. Uncut hair has power that most people will never understand. Every member of your body worships The Most high, including your hair.

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