Unhealthy Obsession

Published on 2 August 2023 at 10:53

What is everyone’s unhealthy obsession with posting their lives online?

And why do we have the unhealthy obsession with wanting to see it? 

These are the questions that I constantly find myself asking.

Instead of exchanging phone numbers we exchange social media information.

Why must we leave a paper trail for others to follow and pick up like bread crumbs.

Is this really what the world has come to?

Creativity is lost now due to constantly being bombarded with the ideas of others.

It has turned into a never ending competition of who can do it better.

From workout routines to cooking lean cuisine the diet is always unhealthy.

People using AI to show how human they are.

That this is just a normal part of life and it should be accepted and embraced not discarded, frowned upon, or forsaken.

What if I told you that no one actually cares.

What if I told you it’s more about fear?

The fear of not being accepted by society, the fear of not being seen, the fear of being overlooked, the fear of being forgotten.

The lack of attention in childhood has brought about a deeper form of trauma with a new coping mechanism.

The look at me syndrome.

I hate to break it to you but constant posting will not help you.

This has become the new form of therapy.

It’s free so come try me, it says while you’re actually being ripped to shreds by those without a face.

The new form of bullying through the use of technology.

So why do we watch?

Is it just to make fun, or more of a guilty pleasure.

The internet has turned into a cesspool of greedy marketing investors.

Does it really make life more easier, or are we just fooling ourselves?

Personally it’s like a new form of hell.

Take one look and get sucked into the never ending vortex.

So how do you get out?

How can you break free?

It starts with you and it starts with me.

One among many to start a revolution with a decent solution.

Just put your phone down and break away.

Leave behind the urge to want to be justified online because you think you have something good to say.

The World Wide Web is huge but it’s such a lonely place.

No one is really your friend in there, just an unfamiliar face.

So let’s make a daring escape for mental peace and clarity.

I for one agree with this plan.

Let’s be one among many once again!

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