Dysfunctional Work Station

Published on 26 November 2022 at 14:18


It just sucked the life out of me

I know what it’s like to be tired on a physical level

But this one my friend is different

Tired of the same ol ins and outs

Day by day with what felt like soul breaking labor

Under an unappreciative organization

That works it’s employees like slaves

Don’t call out you may not have a job to come back to

Don’t call in sick you’ll need more than a doctors excuse

Day in and day out

Same soul breaking labor

Constantly seeing multiple repeat offenders

Ungrateful body disrespecters

Constantly putting themselves in dangerous situations

Running in from a night of drinking

Needing to be tested because now something is burning and itching

It’s the same line all the time

“I messed up man”

But now is not the time to place blame

Please take some accountability for your actions

It is you who choose this course of action

The testing is done counseling provided

The doctor comes in gives a shot and now there out of here

Until less than 3 months later because the symptoms are back yet again

Most abuse the system

These test are free I just want to know my status

While others are in dyer need of those answers

I became exhausted with it all

Tired of seeing the same faces

Tired of the repetitive routine

Tired of the worlds careless nature

Tired of a new task being thrown on me every week.

Becoming something other than myself

And trust me I noticed

Constantly irritated all the time

I began abusing the grace period

Sitting in my car on the verge of tears because my spirit was screaming “I DONT WANNA BE HERE!!!”

Lord help me please was all I could say

He knows my heart in such a deep way

It didn’t take me long to realize that my spirit was under attack

And then my body was next

Having to visit the hospital for what felt like a heart attack

Then came the fever and body aches not even a month later

There was always a pain somewhere

This was the last straw for me I couldn’t let that place kill me

So I did what I do best and moved in silence. My prayer has been answered

My body slowly but surely restored

I’m getting my peace back

I don’t have to visit that place anymore

The spirits I’ve encountered there are strong but my GOD is stronger

What once seemed like a strong empire has begun to crumble

It won’t be long before it completely falls.

I see it for what it really is and it’s very unattractive.

That place is a spiritual disaster. And I don’t highly recommend it…..

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